9th International Conference


You can get to Kolašin by train, bus or car.

The train can be the choice to get to Kolašin because the Belgrade-Bar railway runs to it. The railway station is 1.5 km from the city.

The nearest airport to Kolašin is the international airport Podgorica, 80 km away, while the airport in Tivat is 154 km away.

Transportation from Podgorica Airport to Hotel Bianca:

– €50 in one direction for up to 3 passengers (including toll charges for the highway)

– €105 one way in a group of up to 8 passengers (including toll for the highway).

Contact phone: +382 67 000 036


Transportation from Tivat airport to Kolašin:

– €100 in one direction for up to 3 passengers (including tolls for the highway).

– €190 one way in a group of up to 8 passengers (including toll for the highway).

Contact phone: +382 67 000 036


You can find information about other transport options from Podgorica to Hotel Bianca at the link:
